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Re: migrants, etc., at Roan Mtn

Hi Carolinabirders,

I was hoping for some migration action courtesy of the fronts moving
through, but have been shut out thus far. One Common Yellowthroat today on
the brush pile, noteworthy in that I haven't seen this species around all
summer, though they nest within a couple of miles. Last Sunday the DNHS
was out at Bennett Place but had no birds more noteworthy than Pileated
Woodpecker; did have some great plants, including a patch of Dwarf Sundew,
and good assortments of bugs and herps. Saturday Sandy Cash and I tried
the sod farms out near Timothy, NC, but found only Killdeer and Barn
Swallows. Had slightly better luck after that at Howell Woods, with Summer
Tanager (a pair), White- and Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos,
Yellow-throated Warbler, and Red-headed Woodpeckers. And a ton of
hummingbirds; by contrast, today at home I saw my first hummer since the
cold fronts started, I think the locals decided to move on...

On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Rick Knight wrote:
> Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 banded on Sep. 1 -  this is record early in Tenn
> by a full week (how 'bout early date in NC, Russ).

Avendex (the next best thing to Russ himself) says the earliest NC record
is September 12, a record from 1968 in Chapel Hill.

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
