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migrants, etc., at Roan Mtn

Roan Mtn., on the TN-NC border, has been producing some interesting 
birds lately, as follows:  

Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 banded on Sep. 1 -  this is record early in Tenn 
by a full week (how 'bout early date in NC, Russ).  

Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 observed on Sep 2 is considerably earlier 
than usual, although there is a single breeding record from this site.  

Selasphorus hummer - a female / immature seen on Sep 2; rather unusual 
in that there are no feeders within 2 miles, but many flowers present.  

Hermit Thrush - a juv. banded on Aug. 29 was undoubtedly a locally 
raised bird.  

Other migrants seen recently there include Tenn., Cape May, Magnolia, & 
Blackburnian warblers, Swainson's Thrush.  Red Crossbills & Pine 
Siskins being seen daily as I operate a banding station there.  

Rick Knight
Johnson City, TN

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