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Re: Early Lincoln's Sparrows

<<We had one at Glenn Hilton Park in Hickory last year on September 7.  I
knew it was early, but I didn't realize that it was a state early record.
It was seen well by 20 folks on the walk.>>

This is a sterling example of why Avendex came into being: to provide users
at least some historical context for their current bird sightings. Prior to
Avendex, such context was very difficult (or even impossible) to obtain for
our two states.

Now, it's available to practically anyone with a PC and a few dozen bucks to
splurge. :-)

And such context is not just limited to species. It's easy to explore the
birding history of a location, area, a particular date, or range of dates.
(For example, both Western Kingbird and Snow Bunting were seen in Ocracoke
Village on the day I was born --- if not for Avendex, how would I ever know

And we are really only beginning.  Our first major update to the software
will be released within the next few months, and will expand the Avendex
sighting database to well over 28,000 bird sightings.  We'll also be adding
some new features.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC