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Henderson County/Jackson Park

        I birded Jackson Park this AM, the morning started out overcast and
dreary but by10:00AM, things started to happen.  For the first time in quite
some time, the Warbler Trail lived up to it's name.  Ron Selvey, Marilyn
Westphal, Tom Joyce and I hit a very good couple of waves of migrants that
lasted for close to an hour!  I personally ended up with 15 Warbler Species,
the best being WILSON'S, Bay-breasted, a Golden-winged (late this PM), and
few Canadas.  Also in the fallout were YB Cuckoo, Veery, Swainson's Thrush
(late this PM), YT Vireo (late this PM) many Red-eyed Vireos, Baltimore
Oriole,  and many Eastern Wood PeeWee's!  The diversity of the flock was
wonderful!  This is not the best fallout I have had at the park as far as
species count goes but probably one of the better fallouts as far as numbers
of birds and length of time that the fallout lasted.
Best regards,
Wayne K. Forsythe
Hendersonville, N. C. 28791