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Lake Crabtree 9/7

The birds were still there this morning, and with some blue sky it was a lot
easier to see what the gods of migration brought!
First bird in the park was a Baltimore Oriole, a good sign, and for the next
hour or so the activity was fast and furious.  At one point I had 4 tanagers
in the same bin field, and a couple of times 2 cuckoos.  In fact, it was a
banner day for Yellow-billed Cuckoo, although I could not turn any of them
into Black-billed no matter how hard I tried.  The largest flocks of birds
were along the treeline north and west of the open play area.  While the
diversity was not great, the numbers of birds made the morning a lot of fun.
Warblers checked in with Magnolia, Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, Prairie, N
Parula, redstart, Black and White, Pine (tons), and Common Yellowthroat.
The numbers of Red-eyed Vireo, BG Gnatcatcher and Summer Tanagers were
impressive, as was the general amount of activity.  Nice to see so much
happening this early in the season.

Best bird of the day may have been a Merlin cruising across the lake from N
to S in powered flight.

Now I remember why fall is my favorite season!

Steve Shultz
Apex, NC