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Migrans in the sandhills etc.

Hi folks,

I was collecting vegetation data for most of today and had my binoculars 'round my neck just in case. Our study plots are poor in terms of migrants... or should I say they HAVE been in the past. I had several resident species that were certainly represented by migrants moving through. I also had a few obvious migrants, with at least a few migrants in every mixed species foraging flock of residents including:

1 Least Flycatcher
2 Great-crested Flys
1 female Scarlet Tan
many Summer Tans
5 female/HY male Black and White Warblers
3 American Redstarts (HY male and 2 females)
3 Prairie
4 Hooded Warblers
300 Pine Warblers
countless W-e Vireo
several B-h Vireo
many R-e Vireo
1 Y-t Vireo

Not bad for NOT birding in un-birdy habitat.

Also, yesterday a friend and I headed to Clarks Hill Res. (SC side) and then over the border to Phinzy Swamp (Augusta, GA) and had the following:

2 (pos. more) Veeru
1 (pos. more) Swainson?s Thrush
2 Wood Thrush
The thrushes were all chasing each other around trying to defend a loaded grape vine.

1 Blackburnian Warbler (HY male)
1 Wormeating Warbler
3+ Hooded Warbler
2 Chestnut-sided

Then at Phinizy:

1 Black & White Warbler
Northern Waterthrush (saw 2 heard 4)
1 Yellow (female)
2 Redstart
1 Blue-winged Warbler
3 Chestnut-sided (pos. more)
3 Common Yellowthroat
Northern Parula
2 eastern Palm Warblers

1 Swainson?s Thrush (this in a place where thrushes are extremely uncommon)
1 Acadian Flycatcher
1 Baltimore Oriole
6 B-w Teal
Northern Harrier
1 Wood Stork
The Tricolored Heron is still there.

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