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Clay-colored Sparrow Ft. Fisher

Had an enjoyable day birding from the Ft. Fisher
"Rocks" north to the Carolina Beach State Park. 
Temperature was pleasant and the migrants were
cooperative.  Highlight was a preening Clay-colored
Sparrow sitting out on a snag with an immature male
Baltimore Oriole behind it to the left and an adult
female Painted Bunting  2 foot behind it on the right. 
All three birds were in my field of view.  Location s.
side of dredge spoil impoundment at the Ft. Fisher
Ferry Terminal in So. New Hanover County, NC.  This is
earliest I've found the sparrows here, but don't think
I've ever looked this early before.  The Sparrows  are
usually findable here for the next few weeks.

Bruce Smithson
318 W. Blackbeard Rd.
Wilmington, NC  28409
(910) 799-5083
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