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Re: HBSP on 9-9-03

			Hiya Jack,

apparently someone at Murrells Inlet has lost a (some?)Zebra Finch. Someone 
reported one in their yard down that way.

They're native to Australia.


>Hi Carolinabirders,
> To begin just a little note about a fractured birding trip to the Santee
> Coastal Reserve, Charleston County, SC on Monday the 8th.  Bob Maxwell
> and I arrived a little before 9A.M. and it began to drizzle we did have
> two birds both found by Bob.  The first was an empid which Bob thaught
> was a Yellow-bellied.  I followed the bird around and eventually had a
> good look at it.  Bob's id was based on a yellow wash to the underparts
> which I totally did not see even though I had a good look at the
> underparts.  Other than the bird jerking the long tail up and down I
> thought other characters (large empid, long tail, broad at base long
> orange bill) suggested Acadian.  The wingbars were distinctly coppery in
> color. Couldn't get a good handle on the primary extension. The bird did
> not vocalize.
> The other bird was a Veery.  The rain picked up and the biting flies
> became brutal so we left after about an hour.
> Now to Huntington Beach S.P. on Tuesday morning.  Bob and I birded the
> carriage path and Mullet Pond from 8:40 to 11:45 with me continuing to
> cover the north end of Sandpiper Pond and the area across from the
> education center for another hour. A few passerine migrants but
> otherwise rather quiet.  50 species not counting one exotic escapee.
> Pied-billed Grebe-1
> Double-Crested Cormorant-6
> Anhinga-1
> Great Blue Heron-2
> Great Egret-2
> Snowy Egret-2
> Tricolored Egret-2
> Green Heron-1
> Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-2 adults standing on the end of the Kerrigan
> Trail overlook
> Blue-winged Teal-2
> Turkey Vulture-1
> Osprey-5 at least 2 were migrants
> Red-shouldered Hawk-1
> Common Moorhen-1 heard only
> Killdeer-4
> Greater Yellowlegs-1
> Willet-1
> Semipalmated Sandpiper-6
> Least Sandpiper-10
> peep-40+
> Laughing Gull-1
> Mourning Dove-1
> Chimney Swift-1
> Ruby-throated Hummingbird-3
> Belted Kingfisher-3
> Red-bellied Woodpecker-1 heard only
> Great-Crested Flycatcher-2
> E. Kingbird-1
> Tree Swallow-many
> Bank Swallow-1
> Barn Swallow-4 +
> Blue Jay-3
> Fish Crow-2
> Carolina Chickadee-1
> Tufted Titmouse-1 heard only
> Carolina Wren-4
> Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1
> Gray Catbird-1
> N. Mockingbird-4
> Brown Thrasher-1
> White-eyed Vireo-1 heard only
> Red-eyed Vireo-3
> Yellow Warbler-1
> Black and White Warbler-1
> Am. Redstart-1
> N. Cardinal-1
> Summer Tanager-1 nice looking breeding plumage female
> Painted Bunting-1 female at feeder
> Red-winged blackbird-1 molting male at feeder
> and...
> a beautiful ZEBRA FINCH hanging out at the storage area where the bird
> seed is stored. Where are they native? Mike the naturalist id'd the bird
> as Bob and I didn't have a clue.
> Birding a bit slow but company as always pleasant and appreciated.
> Jack Peachey
> Conway, SC