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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch - 9/10/03 & 9/9/03

Cloudy, cool day at the overlook, today! We had some nice songbirds and raptors come
Migrant raptor total for the day: 56

Broad-winged        54
Bald Eagle                1
Peregrine Falcon     1

Elizabeth Galloway and I had good morning visit by 7 warbler species at one time.
Black-throated Green, B&W, Redstart, Tenn., Blackburnian, Yellow-throated,
A Hooded came by later, along with a Yellow-throated Vireo and a Summer Tanager.
(100s of C. Swifts were parting our hair most of the afternoon)

Yesterday, Elizabeth, Hilda, Reece and Ed had a total of 29 migrants. They also had 8
Ravens keeping them company.

Broad-winged            28
Unidentified Buteo     1

For monthly totals visit:

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC