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Patriot's Point, Mt. Pleasant, SC

5-7pm Thursday evening there was a lot of activity near the pumphouse
where some good birds have been seen recently.  There were 9 warbler
species: American redstart, blue-winged warbler, Tennessee warbler,
northern parula, Cape May warbler, prairie warbler, palm warbler, common
yellowthroat.  The most abundant was redstart and prairie warbler.
There is a small pool of water in the road under the utility line north
of the pumphouse and many of the birds were bathing and drinking here.
Other birds of interest were merlin (1), peregrine falcon (2), Cooper's
hawk, painted buntings, blue-gray gnatchatchers, red-eyed vireos,
yellow-billed cuckoo, great-crested flycatcher, Selasphorus spp.
hummingbird (rufous?).   There were hummingbirds everywhere, mostly
ruby-throated, with several species of morning glory in bloom, .  All of
these birds were between the pumphouse and driving range.

Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC