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Patriot's Point (PM)

Patriot's Point was quieter late this afternoon than it has been the last few days.  There were a few migrants around, however.  We birded along the power line behind the pump house, the clearing across from the Hilton entrance and the edge between the pumphouse and the driving range parking lot.

Ed Blitch and I got there a little before 5:00 and had a couple of 15-20 second looks at a Traill's (Willow/Alder) Flycatcher.  Right after that we ran into Craig Watson and then Lloyd Moon and Ward Moon.  Unfortunately the Flycatcher didn't oblige by reappearing.

Here are the highlights:
Cooper's Hawk (with snake-probably rat snake)
Great Crested Flycatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
White-eyed Vireos
Northern Parulas
Yellow Warblers
Magnolia Warbler
Prairie Warblers
American Redstarts
Hooded Warbler
Common Yellowthroats

Enjoyable birding and good company.

Nathan Dias - Charleston, SC