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Hobcaw on 09-13-03

hi y'all,

led a trip at Hobcaw this a.m. nice weather, nice folks and some nice

highlights were a group of RCWs foraging at our first stop, and a few
Ruby-throated hummers at the feeders. big surprise while watching the
hummers was another Selasphorus hummer, this one a juv-femme type.

~30 Wood Stork, most of the herons and egrets, inc. perhaps 100+ Little Blue
Heron in all plumages, few juv. White Ibis, Black-bellied, Semip. plovers,
Gr. Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Western, Semip, Dunlin, S-b Dowitcher,
Barn, Bank and Tree swallows, Chimney Swift, Summer Tanager, one 1st fall
Magnolia, redstart, Empidonax sp., turkeys, Osprey.

Hundreds of Green Darner, many Black and Carolina Saddlebags, Blue Dasher,
Little Blue Dragonlet, Needham's/Golden-winged? Skimmer, E. Pondhawk,
4-spotted Pennant, Common Whitetail, a few 'others,' a Ruby-throat in the
middle of a spoils site (cool, they're everywhere.)

E. Tiger, Palamedes, Spicebush swallowtails, Cloudless, Orange sulphurs,
Sleepy Orange, Gulf Frits, 1 Varigated Frit, Monarch, C. Buckeye,
Silver-spotted Skipper, Long-tailed, Clouded, Fiery, Whirlabout, Salt-marsh.

investigated a few different lowcountry habitats.

also a few feral pigs. rah, rah...

stopped at Bucksport on the way home and found 3 male Roseate Skimmer (got
'em in G'town and Horry counties now,) Common Whitetail, Blue Dasher, Lil
Blue Dragonlet, and as-yet un-id'd damsel. a lone Am. Kestrel, few MODOs
were the only birds present; not even a single Killdeer.

at home a best count of 10 Ruby-throats,  ~50 Chimney Swift, all the usual
suspects, and a jillion tent-looking caterpillars eating everything green
and leafy. the Carolina wrens luv 'em. watched one wren scarf  3 of 'em.
while pickin'  cats off some hummer plants and tossin' 'em over on some
other stuff that i don't really care about, reached for one and found only
the head. guess a bird beat me to it....

cheers y'all,


gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)