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Patriot's Point, Mt. Pleasant, SC Update/Summary of Highlights for the Week

Today at Patriot's Point in Mt. Pleasant, SC, there were again a good
number of warblers and other passerines present.  Most of the
gnatcatchers had moved on, and most abundant today were yellow and
prairie warblers, common yellowthroats, and red-eyed vireos.  Twelve
species of warblers were observed today: Tennessee, Northern parula,
Yellow, Black-throated Green, Yellow-throated, Prairie, Palm,
Black-and-White, American Redstart, Worm-eating, Common Yellowthroat,
and Kentucky warbler.  The total for the past 5 days for warblers at
Patriots Point is 21 species.  Other than those mentioned above, there
were:  Blue-winged, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated
Blue, Prothonotary, Ovenbird, Northern waterthrush, and Hooded warbler.

Also today at Patriot's Point, Baltimore Orioles were observed (2), and
there were numerous red-eyed and white-eyed vireos.  Also observed
(highlights):  veery, barred owl, flock of 25 anhingas overhead,
peregrine falcon, black-bellied plover in breeding plumage (driving
range), ruby-throated hummingbirds, adult male painted bunting, and
Eurasion collared dove.  One Empidonax spp. flycatcher was observed
several times, but could not be identified.

As mentioned in previous posts, notable highlights for the week include
yellow-bellied flycatcher, least flycatcher, and alder/willow

Thanks to all of those who have been to Patriot's Point this week, it's
been one of the best fall migrations noted in years here.  I'm hopeful
and sure that there is more to come as migration progresses.

Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC