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Folly Beach, SC 13 Sept.

Donna and I led a birding trip for the Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi 13 Sept
AM. We started at the mud flats by the defunct Crawdaddys Restaurant on Folly
Rd then went to the Fishing Pier on Folly Beach and ended up at the old Coast
Guard Station.  A modest number of migrant and resident species, nice weather
and pleasant company.

Brown Pelican                      Royal Tern
Double-crested Cormorant           Rock Dove           
Great Blue Heron                   Eurasian Collared-Dove   
Great Egret                        Chimney Swifts
Snowy Egret                        White-eyed Vireo
Little Blue Heron                  Red-eyed Vireo
Tricolored Heron                   Blue Jay
Green Heron                        Fish Crow
Yellow-crowned Night Heron imm     Carolina Wren
Red-tailed Hawk                    Carolina Chickadee
MERLIN                             Veery-before dawn 
Black-bellied Plover               Northern Mockingbird
Semipalmated Plover                TENNESSEE WARBLER
Greater Yellowlegs                 American Redstart
Willet                             Ovenbird
Whimbrel                           Common Yellowthroat
Ruddy Turnstone                    Hooded Warbler
Semipalmated Sandpiper             SEASIDE SPARROW
Least Sandpiper                    Northern Cardinal
Short-billed Dowitcher             Blue Grosbeak
Laughing Gull                      Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-billed Gull                   Boat-tailed Grackle
Herring Gull                       BALTIMORE ORIOLE
                                   House Finch
                                   House Sparrow



Dennis M. Forsythe PhD, PA
Dept. of Biology
The Citadel
171 Moultrie St
Charleston, SC 29412
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