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Connecticut Warbler


Today together with another Polish birdwatcher (two at once!) we tried Northern Jordan Lake area hoping for some Warblers. That was rather boring morning with just a few Pine and solitary Parula and one Great Crested Flycatcher and one Blue Grosbeak. The best however was the swamp on RD 1717 bridge (just after it turns S toward HWY64) along the creek goes West-East. There was nice passage of Common Yellowthroat in a bushes along the road. Among Yellowthroats (some 20 or so) we found one immature (juvenile) male of Connecticut Warbler. The bird was distinctly larger (longer) than Yellowthroats near by with much longer (heavier) undertail coverts, longer primary projection and some grayish tinge to the upper head with very distinct wide, white eyering (almost full) and whitish throat comparing to much more yellowish belly. We were watching bird for about 2 minutes from ca 10 feet distance.


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
2420 Perkins Rd.
Durham, NC 27705
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040