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Roseate Spoonbills Still Present at Sunset Beach, NC

Two Roseate Spoonbills were still present today (Monday, September 15) at
Twin Lakes at Sunset Beach, NC.  They flew in about noon, and were still
present at 3pm, according to Joe Lafferty who also observed them (after we

The birds were seen roosting at high tide at the westernmost end of the
lakes, among a few dozen Wood Storks.  (We saw about seventy Wood Storks in
total, in flight and roosting at both ends of the lake.)

I believe these spoonbills are second-year birds; I'd be grateful if someone
would correct me if they have determined otherwise.

The birds seemed to be feeding on something on the pine trees, and then one
would place its bill within the other spoonbill's bill...what's that all
about?  This behavior went on for quite some time.  We couldn't see what
they were eating, but they seemed to be actively searching the tree for it.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC