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Re: Isabel and WOW

It would just be speculation, because the extent of the damage to Highway 12 was being determined today, and the state and federal agencies will then have to figure out what, if anything, can be done.

I have received reliable reports that sections of the road in PINWR have been damaged from overwash and are impassible in regular cars or trucks. There is a new inlet between the villages of Frisco and Hatteras, and repeated rumors of a new inlet on Ocracoke.

Residents are not being allowed back to Manteo or the barrier islands; the state trooper I spoke with said not until at least Sunday, while CNN said the policy will be reconsidered tomorrow at noon.

If past experience is a guide, the NCDOT will try to repair the road as soon as possible, but given the damage, it may take a while, and it isn't clear yet what will happen with the inlet. We should know more in the next few days.

Sidney Maddock
Buxton, NC
(via Raleigh)

At 01:26 PM 9/19/2003 -0400, Toni Rexrode wrote:
Does anyone have any ideas or speculation as to what effect Hurricane Isabel
will have   (if any)  on Wings Over Water in a few weeks?