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Isabel and WOW

Hello intrepid birding fellows!

Does anyone have any ideas or speculation as to what effect Hurricane Isabel
will have   (if any)  on Wings Over Water in a few weeks?

I took down my feeders yesterday morning  and was chastised profusely for
doing so by quite a few bedraggled and angry birds, so I put them back up
around 10:00 am.   There was then a constant stream of activity until about
4:00 pm when the winds hit their heaviest of very  (then)  thankful birds
who huddled in the lee of the wildly swinging feeders to snatch a few bites.
I debated as to whether this was a good thing or not  (was I putting them
more at risk by encouraging them to come out?), but under the circumstances
I'm glad I could help.  :-)


Toni Rexrode
Durham, NC