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Gray-cheeked Thrush

This AM I was lucky enough to hear a thrush song that
I guessed was Gray-cheeked by the wirey tone.  
It was coming from right off the screened porch by the kitchen.

Shortly after that, with binocs, spotted a Thrush right by 
porch.  Was a Gray-cheeked, that posed for a few minutes
at eye level in very good light.   Nervously flicked its wings and turned
from side to side and saw full front and back views too.
Have heard call notes but this is the first time I've ever one sing!!

This is about the time every year that a group of Thrushes shows
up and feasts on the dogwoods for a few weeks.  Heard Wood 
Thrush too last night. 

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC