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weekend leftovers

Hi Carolinabirders,

Shelley's thrush reminds me that I also had a thrush in my yard after the
count Saturday. It was happily chowing down on Pokeweed berries. I tried
to make into a migrant, but it was just too bright and rufousy, so it must
have been a ratty young Wood Thrush.

The real story from my bird count is what we didn't see. Not one Great
Blue Heron! How many times can you bird around Jordan Lake for most of the
day without seeing one of them? No Mourning Doves either! And no
Mockingbird, no House Sparrow, all sorts of other astonishing blanks on
the checklist...

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
