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Re: Phil. Vireo in Chapel Hill

Will wrote:

This afternoon I checked out the Bolin Creek Greenway at Elizabeth St. (off Franklin St. in Chapel Hill NC). Didn't see many migrants but had one good one, a Philadelphia Vireo.

went there this am. and didn't re-locate Philly V. but several other migrants in attendance:

2 Scarlet Tanagers, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Gray-cheeked Thrush, about a 1/2 doz. Redstarts, and what I believe was a Least Flycatcher! -- not bad on liimited time, and many other things flitting behind foliage I couldn't id. An abundance of Catbirds and Brown Thrashers as well, and a single kuk-kuk-kuk Pileated-call in the distance (....ahhh, music of the Gods!).


**Rob Gluck.......... Chapel Hill, NC.......... thrush@hotmail.com ........

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "Whenever we try to isolate anything in nature, we find it is hitched to everything else in the universe." --John Muir


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