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Lotsa Roanoke Island birds

Hi folks,
Been getting pretty good numbers of migrants the last
couple of days at the north end of Roanoke Island.
Nice variety of warblers with a Canada being my best,
saw it two days in a row. Also Worm-eating, Magnolia,
N. Waterthrush, Black-throated Blue, Caoe May,
Blackburnian, several others. Also had two
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and a Scarlet Tanager in the
Elizabethan Gardens yesterday as well as (the same?)
Philadelphia Vireo. Still lots of Baltimore Orioles
pigging-out on grapes. Indigo Buntings starting to
show up, too. We STILL have not had a clear night with
west or northwest winds this fall - when we do it is
going to be wild! 

I heard today that access to Pea Island may be
available by Monday morning. Let's hope so. I got word
today that there are a couple of nice sand bars out in
north pond from ocean overwash and that they were
loaded with shorebirds including Hudsonian Godwit(s)!

I also heard today that the new inlet on Hatteras
Island was now 37 feet deep! It would take a lot of
sand to fill that!

Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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