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Re: Warbler Fallout

Yep, how slow the birding was this weekend doing the
fall count and this past week we have had all kinds of
migrants passing through our yard and that is just
when I have been home to notice(2 days)-
Many Wood thrushes, Tenn.warbler, Scarlet and summer
tanagers,Chestnut-sided, redstarts, blackpoll, parula,
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
So much fun when that happens!
--- Bkpendergraft@aol.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Steve Schultz and were talking this afternoon about
> how slow the birding was the last couple of days at
> our locations, but what a difference a few hours
> makes!  I was about to cut the grass at my house in
> N. Raleigh around 6:00PM, and I had quite a fallout:
> Yellow-billed Cuckoo
> Chestnut-sided Warbler (2)
> American Redstart (3)
> Scarlet Tanager (great close up view)
> Tennessee Warbler (first in yard!)
> Blue-winged Warbler (first in yard!)
> Northern Parula
> I also followed a Chickadee flock, and was quite
> successful.
> At one moment I had a Blue-winged and a Parula
> chasing the same bug.  And I had a Chestnut-sided,
> Scarlet Tanager, and an American Redstart in the
> same tree!
> I love the early fall season!  Now if I could only
> get some thrushes in these 50 Dogwood trees on my
> property!
> Brian K. Pendergraft
> Falls Lake, NC
> bkpendergraft@aol.com

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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