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Clay-colored, White-crowned Sparrows, Wilson's Warblers on Outer Banks

Hi folks,
FINALLY, we had a night with clear skies and NW winds.
What a difference! I went to Pea Island's Coast Guard
Station for an hour and a half Monday morning and then
birded the north end of Roanoke Island for a while and
had good results. Fairly good numbers of flyovers with
the predominant species being Palm Warblers, Bobolinks
and Baltimore Orioles. Ended up with a total of 18
species of warblers, plus lots more. Best birds were a
Clay-colored Sparrow (in my driveway when I got
home!), 2 Wilson's Warblers, 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler,
1 Bay-breasted Warbler. Also had Magnolias, Cape Mays,
Black-throated Blues, Yellow-throated, N. Waterthrush,
Worm-eating Warbler, etc. In the non-warbler category
were a Scarlet Tanager, 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks,
several Blue Grosbeaks, lots of Indigo Buntings, and a
Swainson's Thrush.

Today was not quite as good but lots of birds still
around: Another Clay-colored Sparrow along the highway
at Pea Island's North Pond, 1 White-crowned Sparrow
(50 yards from my house!), another Wilson's Warbler,
this time in the Elizabethan Gardens, another
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (munching on Aralia berries),
and quite a few species of warblers, including a (oh
no) Yellow-rumped Warbler. Also, I saw yesterday's
Clay-colored Sparrow in my yard again this afternoon.
Also had my first Savannah Sparrows of the fall today.

By the way, Pea Island Refuge was closed Monday and
today (Tuesday); I don't know when they will reopen
but it should be any day now. 

Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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