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Field Trips sponsored by the Mecklenburg Audubon Society in October

Bird Watching Field Trips – October 2003
sponsored by Mecklenburg Audubon Society

Trips are free and open to the public unless specifically noted.

Saturday, October 10 - Huntington Beach State Park, SC [Full day]
Now that most of the summer visitors have migrated back to their permanent
residences, the birds and birders beginning to flock to Huntington Beach St.
Park on a weekly if not daily basis. Fall birding at the can turn up a
variety of species. Migrating Peregrines can be seen patrolling the ponds
and a fair number of warblers are still hiding in the bushes. One spectacle
not to be missed is the thousands of tree sparrows that roost in the trees
and put on some amazing aerial displays.
   We will meet at 7:30 AM in the parking lot on the east side of the
causeway. We will bird all day and weather can be very variable. Bring a
lunch, snack, plenty of water, and protection from the sun and mosquitoes.
There is camping in the park, on a first come basis. The park fee has gone
up to at least $5 per person. The birding is well worth the cost.
   If you are planning to go on this trip, contact Judy Walker at
704-537-8181 [leave a message] or birdwalker@mac.com.

Saturday, October 18 - Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge [Full day]
In celebration of National Wildlife Refuge Week we will visit our very own
NWR just north of Wadesboro, NC. We should encounter the last of the summer
migrants moving out and the first of the winter migrants moving in. If the
weather stays warm we should also have a fair number of butterflies. There
will be a lot of different habitats to explore so who knows what we will
turn up.
   Meet at the McDonalds restaurant at Windsor Square Shopping Center on Rt
74 at 7 AM. Don't forget a lunch, water and good walking shoes.
   If you want to go on this trip, contact Judy Walker at 704-537-8181
[leave a message] or birdwalker@mac.com.

Saturday, October 25 - Mc Dowell Prairie [1/2 day]
Although still a diamond-in-the-rough, in the fall this acreage is a
paradise for migrant sparrows and other grassland birds we don't usually get
to see. Last year the winds of one of the late hurricanes blew in a ground
dove as well as some very interesting butterflies.
To see the best parts of the prairie we will be doing a lot of walking,  so
wear sturdy shoes. If it has rained you can expect mud. Although this is a
1/2 day trip snacks and water are recommended.
   If you are interest going on this trip contact Taylor Piephoff at
PiephoffT@AOL.COM or 532-6336

Louise Barden
Charlotte, NC