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Migrants in N. Durham County

Dear list,

I read Will's posting about the decrease in warblers at Indian Creek Trail. Just 10 miles north of the trail, things continue pretty strong, and the winter residents are showing up.

In the category of things that are around, but we seldom see here. Eastern Meadowlark, and Red-Headed Woodpecker

1/2 dozen cedar waxwings.
2 ruby-crowned kinglets.

Today there were
Black + White
Magnolia Warbler	3
Tennessee Warbler	1
Black-throated green	2
Yellow-billed Cuckoo	2	-yesterday
Rose Breasted Grosbeak	5	yesterday

I didn't report that on Saturday 9/27/03 We had two Yellow-breasted Chats in beautiful plumage.

+ the usuals.

If anyone has Michael O'brien's nocturnal bird call CD would you contact me directly, I can't get it to run.
