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Virus alert

Warning - a new virus has successfully exploited a security hole in the 
majordomo program that runs Carolinabirds and sent itself out to the 
group -- once just now and twice last Thursday.  I've just seen these 
in the carolinabirds-digest -- I'm not sure if they got distributed to 
everyone.  The versions in the digest are relatively harmless, since 
you'd have to decode them to run the attached viruses.  

These are the subject lines of the messages that have gotten through:

Net Security Update
Failure Letter
Latest Security Update

If you receive one, delete it without running the attached virus and 
there should be no problem.  In general never open attachments that 
you're not expecting.  If you're worried about viruses, avoid using 
Microsoft products, especially Outlook and Outlook Express -- there's 
absolutely no reason you need to use these programs - there are many 
better and safer alternatives available for free.

I've tried to contact the majordomo-owner about the problem, but he 
seems to be away from the office this week.  Sorry for the 


Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708