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Re: Hummers Fading

My last Ruby throat birds sipping from my feeders were three (including
one mature male, oddly enough) on Sep. 24, a.m.  They didn't return for
the evening meal, either, so they may well have been migrants from
somewhere up north.  The bulk of my 100 or so birds were gone a couple
of weeks before, with only (at that time) very immature, late season
fledglings, and a female or two.  We were down to about five by Sept.
13, when we left for California.  Suprised to have any when we returned,
even if it was only for one brief morning appearance.

Always very sad to see the little guys go.  Imagine: weighing less than
a nickel, and flying across the Gulf of Mexico and back every year!

Fred Houk
Chatham County