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Late KENTUCKY WARBLER in N. Durham, Co

Janet and I took our usual 8:30- 10:00 walk in our extended back yard.

Not a yard bird, but our first fall record for a Kentucky Warbler. Will's checklist does not record a Kentucky in October.
I got good views of the bird. Janet and I both saw it moving up a tangled tree in the smaller branches, and were able to keep on it for more than a minute.
Dark under tail, all bright yellow vent abdomen and chest. Back and wings light olive, wing bars. Yellow under the chin and wrapping up the cheek. I saw the dark line in front of the eye, but Janet did not. After checking "Sibley lite", I called it a hatch year female.

Did not have any breast beading of a Canada
No crown of the wilson's, and the dark eyeline would exclude that.
The dark under tail would eliminate hooded.

Warbler seen today: Kentucky Black Throated Green, Black and White Redstart Palm 6 or 7 Parula Yellow Rumped (I think) Yellow Throat

Migrants are still coming through: Catbirds (lots), thrashers, Scarlet Tanagers, Bluegray Gnatchatcher still coming through.

Winter arrivals: Song Sparrow, White throat (single distant call), waxwings, Yellowrump, Hairy woodpecker, cedar waxwing (about 50).


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC