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late Ruby-throateds

hi y'all,

this eve i banded 2 very imm. male Ruby-throateds in the yard here (no red
gorget feathers, little fat accumulation) and observed 4 more unmarked birds
(one of which i don't want to catch. you spend much time getting up close
and personal with birds and you'll see some things you'd really rather not

also had reports of hummers (including a possible Selasphorus) today from
yards where none have been observed for over a week.

so leave a clean and fresh feeder up y'all; there are still a few of these
tiny treasures coming thru, and they'd appreciate a quick and easy meal.
besides, who knows what might show up?

it ain't over 'til it's over...



gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)