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Chatham Co. Fall Count results

The 2003 Chatham County (NC) Fall Count on Sept. 20, part of the North 
American Migration Count, was an average count in terms of number of 
species, individual birds, and participation. This year we ended up 
with 98 species (average 101) and 3381 birds (average 3625). We had 17 
observers in 13 parties (averages 21 and 12) and 67.3 party-hours 
(average 74). This count was even average on a birds per party-hour 
basis, with 50.3 (average 51.7).

Not-so-average, five species are new to the count this year -- an 
Acadian Flycatcher heard and a Kentucky Warbler seen by Norm Budnitz 
and Patsy Bailey near Patsy's home, a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher seen by 
Will Cook at the Indian Creek Wildlife Observation Site trail, 3 Tree 
Swallows seen flying over the Northeast Creek Impoundment by Will Cook, 
and a Song Sparrow seen by Amalie Tuffin at Big Woods Road.  Other 
goodies included our second count records for both Common and Forster's 
Terns at Ebenezer (Josh Rose and Jim Coulton) and third Red-breasted 
Nuthatches (Andy Upshaw).  One bird that may have been a first count 
record, but was a bit too far to clinch the ID, was a possible 
hurricane-blown Sandwich Tern seen by Norm at Vista Point.

We set a number of record highs: Red-shouldered Hawk (27), Ring-billed 
Gull (76), Caspian Tern (19), Common Tern (12), Forster's Tern (41), 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (17), Belted Kingfisher (18), Great Crested 
Flycatcher (5), Red-breasted Nuthatch (2), American Robin (68), 
Ovenbird (7), and Scarlet Tanager (36).  In addition, a flock of 100 
small tern sp. was seen in the afternoon from the Farrington Road 
bridge by Ginger Travis and Norm Budnitz.  The large numbers of terns 
and gulls may have been blown in by Hurricane Isabel, which passed well 
to the east two days before the count.  Our previous record high for 
all terns and gulls combined was just 5; this year we had about 250.

We set two record lows, Red-tailed Hawk (2) and Wood Thrush (1).  Big 
misses this year include Green Heron and Sharp-shinned Hawk.

We had an average warbler count with 19 species (average 19) and 130 
non-Pine individuals (average 145).  Most common warblers were Pine 
(78), American Redstart (33), Common Yellowthroat (30), Northern Parula 
(12), and Magnolia Warbler (11). 

Because of the high water levels, we had no mudflats and almost no 
shorebirds - a pathetic 2 species and 1 non-Killdeer individual (a 
Spotted).  That's still better than last year, though!

Best individual party count this was Will's 64 species and 766 birds in 
the 751 bridge area.

Thanks to all participants! Pray for mudflats (and shorebirds) next 

Will Cook, compiler 

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708