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merlin and stuff

hi y'all,

yesterday in G'town Cty, i watched a fem/imm-type Merlin harassing
shorebirds at Hobcaw Barony. the bird flew past me several times at or below
eye-level as close as 50 ft. very cool.

also had my very best look ever at Stilt Sandpiper from about 15'. it was
hanging with a group of yellowlegs (both spp.) and when the Merlin would
make a pass, the whole group would look around and comment to one another,
then resume feeding. who's afraid of a lil' ol' falcon, huh? the Merlin had
to be miffed about that.  ;-)  never saw it take a bird or even attempt to
before it eventually disappeared to the south.

also Least, Western, Semip. 'pipers, Dunlin, Semip. Plover, Green-winged
Teal and my first E. Phoebe of the season

'round the confines here in Conway, still several Ruby-throated hummers
taking advantage of the flowers and feeders, and a sudden increase in the
yellowjacket population.

cruising 'round a bit this afternoon and noticed a roadside explosion of a
Coreopsis sp. brilliant yellow flowers on a misty gray day...gotta luv it.


gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)