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Charleston County Birding

I was able to bird a bit today in the northern portion of Charleston County,
SC.  Specifically, I checked South Tibwin briefly and spent the remainder of
the time at Santee Coastal Reserve (SCR).  I'd hoped there might be some
waterfowl at SCR but could only find Wood Ducks there.  Additionally, no
shorebirds were found at SCR either as the water level in all of the
impoundments was extremely high.  In all, seventy-two species were seen.
(Santee Coastal Reserve = SCR, South Tibwin = ST)  The list was as follows:

Pied-billed Grebe  SCR, ST
Double-crested Cormorant  ST
Anhinga  SCR, ST
American Bittern  SCR (2 birds on the impoundments)
Great Blue Heron  SCR, ST
Great Egret  SCR, ST
Snowy Egret  SCR, ST
Little Blue Heron  ST
Tricolored Heron  SCR, ST
Green Heron  SCR, ST
White Ibis  SCR, ST
Wood Stork  ST
Black Vulture  SCR
Turkey Vulture  SCR, ST
Wood Duck  SCR, ST
American Black Duck  ST (5)
Osprey  SCR, ST
Bald Eagle  SCR (3), ST (2)
Northern Harrier  SCR, ST
Accipiter sp.  ST
Red-tailed Hawk  SCR
Merlin  ST (1)
Peregrine Falcon  ST (1)
Clapper Rail  ST
Common Moorhen SCR,  ST
American Coot  SCR
Killdeer  ST
Yellowlegs sp.  ST
Caspian Tern  SCR
Forster's Tern  SCR
Mourning Dove  SCR
Great Horned Owl  SCR
Chimney Swift  SCR, ST
Belted Kingfisher  SCR, ST
Red-bellied Woodpecker  SCR, ST
Downy Woodpecker SCR
Red-cockaded Woodpecker  SCR (7)
Northern Flicker  SCR, ST
Pileated Woodpecker  SCR
White-eyed Vireo  SCR
Red-eyed Vireo  SCR
Blue Jay  SCR, ST
American Crow  SCR
Tree Swallow  SCR, ST
Carolina Chickadee  SCR
Tufted Titmouse  SCR
White-breasted Nuthatch  SCR
Brown-headed Nuthatch  SCR
Carolina Wren  SCR, ST
House Wren  ST
Marsh Wren  SCR, ST
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  SCR
Eastern Bluebird  SCR, ST
American Robin  ST
Gray Catbird  SCR, ST
Northern Mockingbird  SCR, ST
Brown Thrasher  SCR, ST
Northern Parula  SCR
Magnolia Warbler  SCR
Pine Warbler  SCR, ST
Palm Warbler  SCR
Black-and-white Warbler  SCR
American Redstart  SCR
Common Yellowthroat  SCR, ST
Eastern Towhee  SCR, ST
Savannah Sparrow  SCR
Seaside Sparrow  ST
Northern Cardinal  SCR, ST
Indigo Bunting  SCR
Red-winged Blackbird  SCR
Common Grackle  SCR
Boat-tailed Grackle  SCR

Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach (Horry County), SC