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Mountain Birding

To echo previous reports from western NC, 5 minutes on the back deck
Thursday morning produced Bay-breasted, Tenn., and B&W Warblers, 1
Blackpoll, Scarlet Tanagers (one calling), RB Grosbeaks, and an army of
Waxwings in addition to the feeder regulars.  

Friday AM at the sod farm there were 6 raptor spp. in nearly as many
minutes: both Vultures (kettle of 90+), an Osprey flying very high and
due south, RT and SS Hawks, and the usual Harrier.  Sometimes I almost
feel guilty living 3 minutes from Hooper Ln.  Almost.

This evening I witnessed, for the first time in 23 years, a large flock
of Chimney Swifts going to roost.  A flock of uncountable thousands of
swifts were funneling into a chimney of the Grove Park Inn in Asheville.
(No, I don't usually hang out there.)  I didn't catch the beginning of
the flock, but my wife and I watched for about 10 minutes as they
spiraled into the chimney, resembling a cloud of black smoke in reverse.
I love this time of year...       

Danny Swicegood 
Hendersonville, NC