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HBSP-Big Sit

Hi Carolinabirders,
Yesterday I did the "big sit" for Waccamaw Audubon despite having some
sort of URI. I wound up doing most of it solo from 6:10AM till 4 PM.  I
want to thank Larry and Louise Barden and the others from Mecklenburg
Audubon who showed up to give a hand for a little while and special
thanks to Louise who had all these nice over the counter meds to make me
feel a lot more comfortable.
I was located at the west end of the causeway which is a good vantage
point for looks into Mullet Pond and the salt marsh.  It was high tide
at first light and low tide when I left.
A bit of a problem was the traffic as the circle center was in the
roadway.  Next year I think a move to the first overlook on  the east
side of the causeway would be a better spot. It has a roof, benches, and
you would not have to lay out a circle as most of the overlook would
probably be in the circle.
Not our best results only 38 species. In the order in which they were
Blue Jay sounded off at 7:02 AM
Belted Kingfisher id'd by rattle and silhoutte at 7:03
Carolina Wren-by voice at 7:04
Tricolored Heron-first bird id'd by sight at 7:07
Black-crowned Night-Heron-7:07
Great Blue Heron-7:13
Clapper Rail-sounded off at 7:17
Wood Stork-7:19
Tree Swallow-the first of hundreds showed up at 7:20
Great Egret-7:37
Snowy Egret-7:38
Boat-tailed Grackle-7:41
Greater Yellowlegs called in flight at 7:44
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 2 immatures flew by at 7:45
Double-Crested Cormorant-was seen at 7:59
Bald Eagle-2 adults flew in together at 8:12
Laughing Gull-8:18
Red-winged Blackbird-a small flock overhead at 8:20
Red-bellied Woodpecker was heard at 8:33
Common Grackle perched at the top of a nearby pine at 8:42 (so I had
half the total species in the first hour and 45 minutes)
White Ibis-fly over flock at 8:53
Ring-billed Gull at 9:04
Caspian Tern-a small flock showed up at 9:13
Peregrine Falcon at 9:25 Larry Barden got this one when he showed up and
said he eye balled one earlier on the way to the circle, it was in a
dead tree on the other side of Mullet Pond and when we got the scope on
the tree it was still there. I later had the same or another one on a
different snag.
Merlin-9:53 a flyover
Fish Crow-sounded off at 10:18
Osprey-flew over at 10:20
Turkey Vulture-10:23
And then I didn't have another bird for more than an hour and a half
Royal Tern-small flock over Mullet Pond at 11:58
Black Skimmer-large flock above the Royals at 11:58
Am. Crow-called from back in the woods at 12:00
Tufted Titmouse-was heard at 2:25
Common Yellowthroat-a male chipped away and came into view in a willow
at 2:40
Little Blue Heron at 3:10
Black-bellied Plover-finally low tide 3:12
Semipalmated Plover-3:12
Forster's Tern-flew by at 3:20
Carolina Chickadee-sounded off in the pines about 3:25

Jack Peachey