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Re: Boreal Forest passerine habitat story on NPR

Quote, "From: <Esharrold@aol.com>
"Subject: Re: Boreal Forest passerine habitat story on NPR...
One comment I pointedly remember is that the speaker groaned about how
some birders seemed to want to chase lifers but never seemed to
understand the need to participate in conservation efforts...one of my
gripes as well. While I hope this doesn't offend the majority of
subscribers who probably do contribute to conservation it should serve
to burn the ears of those who don't."

Actually, this strikes home with me, too.  The company I founded was the
first company in the world to have a shade grown coffee brand, and imho,
for various reasons the only brand that actually had anything worthy of
marketing to the birder type shopper, who presumably cared about such

While the brand sold tremendously well among the typical specialty
coffee drinkers (College students, upscale restaurants and grocery
stores, Gen X'ers, etc., along with folks who inhabit the Starbucks type
establishments) it was incredibly hard to get folks in birding circles
to take seriously.  There are a couple of noteable exceptions,
particularly in the Carolinas, but in most of the rest of the country,
if one had to make a living off selling products that actually preserved
the habitat of the migratory birds we all love, to birders, per se...
you'd go broke in a month.

Weird, huh?  Sorry, it's a pet peeve.

Fred Houk
Chatham County