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Golden Eagle(s) in western NC

On September 27, a 2nd year Golden Eagle flew by the overlook at the Mount Pisgah Hawk Watch. The eagle offered a beautiful, close-range look at it's back, flanks, and belly. ID is certain, verified by myself and by Ray Sharpton, both of the Mt. Pisgah watch group.
Yesterday, Ray was holding down the fort at Pisgah and saw another Golden Eagle. This one was farther out, and the range made it impossible to be certain if it was the same bird seen earlier or another individual. Again, there was no question as to the species of this bird.
Whether this was a "new" bird or the same individual, it is clear that at least one Golden Eagle has been in the area recently. We normally don't see goldens here until November, so both of these sightings are mighty early. I had a report from a reliable observer last fall that a golden was seen at the Devil's Courthouse overlook. I didn't record the date of this report, but I believe it was in late October. I was skeptical due to the early date. The week before we saw the Sept. 27th bird, I got a report that two experienced birders (names unknown to me) had seen a golden at Mt. Mitchell. I was again skeptical due to the early date. It is now apparent that my skepticism was unfounded.
The the most reliable spot in this area for goldens is the Shining Rock Wilderness area southwest of Asheville during late November and December. Access is usually limited since the Parkway is typically closed for ice by then. This, then, may represent an unusually good opportunity for interested folks to get a NC Golden Eagle. My hunch is that the bird(s) is(are) camped out in Shining Rock Wilderness area, feasting on the as-yet-unhibernated groundhog population. Spending some time at the Black Balsam trail head glassing the adjacent valleys and peaks may be worthwhile for folks looking for this eagle. I have not had time to get down there, yet, but would be happy to hear from anyone who has been in the area lately. Good luck.

Bill Sanderson
Asheville, NC