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Hi all,

I have just came from Wings Over Water. I hope there will be some report(s) about all of these good birds we had seen during the festival. I would like to post only what I had today, some interesting birds for me:

Western Kingbird - 1 (all fresh feathers adult? or they can already be molted into winter plumage?) N dike of North Pond (near the legendary Warbler site)
W and N sides of South Pond:
Prairie Warbler - 2
Black-throated Blue - 2 males, 1 adult female, 2 juveniles females
Magnolia W. - 1 female type
Cape May W. - 1 juv. male 1 female
Blackpoll W. - 1 juv. female type
Clay-colored Sparrow - 3

Waiting for other report I would like to thank to Pat Moore and other important people which names my poor head wasn't able to remember. Thank you all very, very much indeed. That was my first "bird fiesta" since I came to NC two and a half years ago.
I made 5 "lifers":
Surf Scoter ( all together more than 200 birds flying S)
Yellow Rail (almost step on a poor bird)
Hudsonian Godwit (unfortunately seen only for some 20 seconds and only in flying - other people saw it much better the next day)
Vesper Sparrow (3 birds)
Clay-colored Sparrow (8 birds in the best day)

However the most important was the opportunity to study some species for longer time and making a lot of notes concerning their morphology and behavior (like shorebirds - both Dowitchers in numerous plumage, Pips different plumage, some nice Warblers on 2-3 feet level like Blackpoll or Cape May)


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
2420 Perkins Rd.
Durham, NC 27705
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040