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Berkeley County birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
Yesterday, December 20 Ritch Lilly and I did some county birding in
Berkeley County, SC.  We both advanced our county lists and although
somewhat slow had a number of good birds.   We birded at Old Santee
Canal S.P. and along the shores of Lake Moultrie at the Fish Hatchery
boat landing. 52 species the best of which were: 2 to 3 adult Bald
Eagles, 2 Cooper's Hawks, a couple of Red-shouldered Hawks, at least on
Red-tailed Hawk, Caspian, Royal and Foster's Terns, 3 Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker, a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, a
White-eyed Vireo, one each of Tenessee, N. Parula, Black-throated Blue
(female) Bay-breasted (breeding male) and Pine Warblers.
All species on http://www.ebird.org/content/
Jack Peachey
Conway, SC