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Re: Black Vultures as preditors

Reece M. wrote:

Today's Hendersonville, NC paper carried an AP article about Black Vultures
killing lambs, newborn calves, and even adult animals when in the process of
giving birth.
The article was based on information from farmers in Ohio, but also mentions
"Southeatern states" including Virginia.
I am aware that Black Vultures have been killed in Virginia, supposedly to
protect livestock.
Can someone supply me with factual information about this subject? I have
had two calls already this morning from people who are upset by the AP
Many thanks.

a couple yrs. back I inquired on this list about Black Vultures eating live fish after watching them hover over large carp trapped in puddles at a drought-stricken impoundment. Several folks replied that in addition to devouring live fish in some locales they were known to predate live mammals on occasion. Ehrlich et.al. in their "Birder's Handbook" includes small and newly-birthed mammals and other "vertebrates" in the B.Vulture diet, and 70 yrs. ago Bent reported (anecdotally) Blacks predating lambs, calves, and baby pigs, although carrion is still given as their first choice. Some local folks probably have better, more specific info.

all the usual winter culprits (Yellow-rumps, White-throats, Sapsuckers, and both Kinglets) appeared on Bolin Crk. Greenway last week with C.Waxwings continuing to clean out berries one section at a time. Good no. of Bluebirds as well, and R.Shouldered Hawks quite active.


**Rob Gluck......... Chapel Hill, NC.......... thrush@hotmail.com ........

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing." -- a Murphy axiom


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