Food and culture expert, Marcie Ferris has a blog based on her book, Matzoh Ball Gumbo.

My favorite review quote:

“It may sound trivial, but no doubt the invention of Crisco was the answer to the prayers of some Jewish women in the South. . . . The miracle of Crisco is just one of the fascinating facts presented in Matzoh Ball Gumbo. . . . Ferris . . . tell[s] the history of the Jewish South from a cook’s perspective.”—Raleigh News & Observer

Upcoming on November 9th from 6-8:30 PM is a Southern Season Cooking Class here in Chapel Hill, NC with a promising dinner menu of Matzoh Ball Gumbo and creole matzoh balls, Temple Israel Brisket; Simmered Black-Eyed Peas and Tomatoes; Rosh Hashanah Jam Cake and Pecan Kugel. Call 919-913-1241 to participate or sign up online.