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re: Digital Technologies

I don't think that "watermarking" is a satisfactory solution.  It's not
much different than when you see a correction in a newspaper:

"We made a mistake in yesterday's article about XXX.  In the third
paragraph of the article, we said "such and such" but should have said
"so and so."  We apologize for any inconvenience."

Point being, once the viewer sees the enhanced photo with "CBS" in the
background, that image is pasted in the viewer's mind.  You can do only
so much to fix that.  It's not like the viewer's going to look for
watermarks on every image that s/he downloads or sees on tv.  

And supposing that the image editing isn't noticed by a third party
until after the viewer has seen the image, there's only so much the
third party can do to change the viewer's initial memory of having CBS
in the background.  

I think that the only real solution is to make sure that viewers are
educated enough to doubt everything they see and not take everything in
as fact.
