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NCSU Digital Library Colloquium - April 28th

Eric Morgan, author of the MyLibrary software, invites us to NCSU's first
Digital Library Colloquium on Tuesday April 28th from 1.30 til 4.30. These
are very important speakers from a Digital Library point of view and in
the case of Cliff Lynch in any Information Science point of view. There
are reasons other than the important and high quality content that also 
might entice us to attend the colloquim:
1) we have space in our schedule that day (i originally had a speaker
2) we could make up our other missed snow day by counting this as two
class periods
3) turn about is fair play. the raleigh folks would be close to home and
the chapel hill folks would be driving for a change


Please consider attending our first colloquium.

The Digital Library Initiatives Department of the NCSU Libraries is
sponsoring "Perspectives on the Digital Library," its inaugural
colloquium featuring speakers on topics of current interest in this
area. We are very enthusiastic about this year's colloquium and think
you will find it of particular relevance.

The program features three distinguished leaders in the field of
digital libraries: Clifford A. Lynch, Executive Director of the
Coalition for Networked Information, Daniel Greenstein, Director of
the Digital Library Federation, and Donald J. Waters, Program Officer
for Scholarly Communication with the Andrew J. Mellon Foundation.

The colloquium will be held on Tuesday, April 25, 2000, from 1:30
P.M. to 4:30 P.M. in the Witherspoon Cinema on the NC State campus. 
Admission is free and open to all interested colleagues. More event
information and an online registration form are available on the
Digital Library Initiatives Web site:


I hope that you will be able to attend. Please feel free to forward
this information to colleagues you think may be interested in our

Finally, I realize you may not be really able to attend, but hey, it
would be a great excuse for road trip.

Eric Lease Morgan
NCSU Libraries