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Hite on Gender and the Workplace


It's titled: Sex and Work: Can't Have One Without the Other and although
Hite herself gets a description as sexy--lotta shoe attention from this
reporter--it's about gender and about her book which is due out March 20
in the US called Sex and Work. Much of what we began to discuss in class
last meeting gets mentioned in this interview. But of course if you know
Shere Hite, you know that sex is always in her Hite Reports.

              LONDON -- Sitting in Britain's staid, formal Institute of
              Directors with Dr. Shere Hite
              is quite an experience. She is ethereal in a tight,
              stretchy skirt that clings to her slim
              legs; her tiny, short cardigan accentuates her
              hand-span waist. Her shoes, impossibly
              high, are decorated with sparkling jewels. 

              She is as quintessentially feminine as the room is
              unabashedly masculine, with its full-length
              portraits of ancient military heroes "standing in commanding
              positions," Hite notes, and
              presumably meant to inspire Britain's business leaders. 

              After 25 years reporting and
              researching gender politics, she can see
              no other obvious relevance to company
              directors of paintings that emphasize
              "the archaic, paternalistic notion of
              military model hierarchies," Hite says, a
              notion to which her latest book -- her
              first on the world of business -- offers
              more user-friendly alternatives. 

              The book, "Sex and Business"
              (Financial Times Prentice Hall),
              available in American book stores on
              March 20, is not just a look at office
              affairs -- or at whether you should
              contemplate one with your secretary or
              boss. Rather, Hite intends it to be a
              blueprint for creating a new social
              order in business that will, she is
              convinced, filter into other areas of

[more at the above URL]
                             Paul Jones
   "We must protect our precious bodily fluids!" General Jack D Ripper
http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/ at the Site Formerly Known As SunSITE.unc.edu
  pjones@MetaLab.unc.edu   voice: (919) 962-7600     fax: (919) 962-8071 