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Re: Goa

Per the a section of the Official FAQ of this site: 


Where and when did Goa originate? 

Goa is a state on the west coast of India, about an hour flight or 24 hour train
ride from Bombay. It is culturally different from the rest of India because it
was a Portugese colony until the 1960's. 
A few factors made Goa into the home of trance: 
- it does not rain between october and march 
- due to the catholic influence, there was a tradition of winter festivals 
- the beaches are beautiful 
- its cheap to live there 
- people are sweet 
Sometime in the late 50's to mid 60's the area was "discovered" by a group of
travellers, including "Eight Finger Eddie", and a small international
psychedelic scene began to meet there to party during the dry season. There was
beach theater psychedelic rock, etc. 
Cut forward a few years: 
In Europe, which had not seen much of a psychedelic scene during the punk era,
two things arrived at the same time - MDMA (Exstacy) and Detroit house and
techno music. MDMA had been used by trippers and psycholgists in the US for a
while, either as a tool for therapy, or to have small intimate naked gatherings
by rivers, on beaches, in bedrooms, etc. Where in NY MDMA was absorbed into the
already existing psychedelic scenes, in Europe it sparked a new scene (having
little scene to be absorbed into). The European version of hippies already
caravanning about, began to have dance parties fueled by the new beat, and the
new chemical culture. 
Back in India, the subsubculture of travellers brought this music to the winter
enclaves of Anjuna, Vagator, etc, as well as Ko Samui, Ko Pangan, Kathmandu,
etc. The DJ's, music makers, dancers, etc shared the old hippie/acid approach to
life, even MORE tempered by Indian metaphors, and the music changed over time to
reflect these various feelings, belief systems, etc.... Goa trance was born. 
As the early 90's moved into the mid 90's, the style began to spread out of the
traveller circuit, and back into Europe. As more people who did not come out of
traveller clture got into the music, is grew a little harder and darker in some
ways, and more substyles began to appear. This is where we stand now, as the
term "Goa trance" grows to be a recognized marketable genre, and the scene is
going through all the growing pains that every other cool scene (especially
psychedelic ones) have had to go through... As it mutates, warps and grows, we
try to ride the wave of Goa trance, knowing we will have a good ride, that
eventually like all good things it will collapse under its oewn weight,
hopefully not before its mutated beyond any expectations we might have for it

If you want to check out the rest of the FAQ please do. Hmm glad to see I got
most of the stuff I related earlier about right! Guess the senility has not set
in yet! hehehe

A few more links for the inquisitive:





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> goa is a former portugese colony in southwest india. 
> http://metalab.unc.edu/raves/stories/electronica/pages/trance-ambient.shtml
> enjoy the entire http://metalab.unc.edu/raves/ site
> ==========================================================================
>                              Paul Jones
>    "We must protect our precious bodily fluids!" General Jack D Ripper
> http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/ at the Site Formerly Known As SunSITE.unc.edu
>   pjones@MetaLab.unc.edu   voice: (919) 962-7600     fax: (919) 962-8071 
> ===========================================================================

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