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Identity theft story -- an update blurb on the DB presentation


I'm sure you recall the many potential scenarios Hannah and I gave about
the potential danger of accumulating all that data about people and then
not securing it properly. We brought up Identity Theft (which some people
say will be the new crime wave of the Millenium but who knows?) and I
found this reference to some recent news on Identity Theft off the RISK

   CNN.com - Entertainment - Showbuzz - March 21, 2000 
  'Law & Order' star sues eBay


   NEW YORK (CNN) -- The actor who plays Det. Lennie Briscoe on NBC's
   "Law & Order" is suing eBay, claiming it leaked his Social Security
   number with disastrous consequences to his credit rating.

   Jerry Orbach filed suit Monday in U.S. District Court, alleging that
   the online auction site advertised for sale two of his 1958 acting
   contracts. A digital image of one revealed his Social Security number,
   it alleges.

   As a result, the 64-year-old actor says he's a victim of credit card
   fraud, claiming eBay's damaged his credit rating and hurt his personal
   and professional reputation. Orbach is seeking unspecified damages as
   well as an order barring eBay from using his name and Social Security
   number for advertising purposes or in association with any bids.

   The company's legal team has not yet seen the suit, says eBay
   spokesman Kevin Pursglove. He says the items were removed from the Web
   site last week, as soon as the company learned they may have been
   improperly placed there by one of its users.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2000/SHOWBIZ/News/03/21/showbuzz/#story2

Robyn Pretzloff
SILS Computer Lab Co-Manager
School of Information & Library Science
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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among those who are in touch with it."
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