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Fw: pausing to think

Got this link from another class and thought I would forward it.
Dan Green
PC Administrator / Webmaster
Physics and Astronomy Department
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
voice: 919/962-6494
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Marchionini" <march@ils.unc.edu>
To: "'inls180-02@ils.unc.edu'" <inls180-02@ruby.ils.unc.edu>;
"'inls210-89@ils.unc.edu'" <inls210-89@ruby.ils.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 10:28 AM
Subject: pausing to think

> environmentalists estimate that it takes a pound of coal burned to send
> of data over the Internet.  A bllion PCs on the Internet will require
> equivalent to the ENTIRE energy consumed in the US today.  hmmmmmm
> for more, see
> http://www.greeningearthsociety.org/Articles/1999/internet.htm