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Re: sucks.com

Sounds similar to the online "bitch boards" that employees of companies use.
Can't recall any of the actual site names but I think there are a few of those as

But where does the line w/libel and slander come in to play here? Or does it not?

Thoughts anyone?

-- Begin original message --

> I take everything back I said in my ClueTrain essay.  Vox humana now has 
> sufficient channel concentration to slay the mighty.
> According to todays USA Today, a kind and gentle soul in New Jersey has 
> registered the names of many of our most prominent institutions with the 
> word suck appended to them, e.g. GMsucks.com, ibmsucks.com, 
> metalabsucks.com.  Folks like you and me can now register our opportunities 
> for improvement in a central place.  There will even be a sucks 500.
> The article did not mention whether there will be a USATodaySucks.com, but I 
> think we can guess.
> http://www.usatoday.com/money/bcovfri.htm
> btw, don't go to sucks.com right away, as the present owners have a more 
> literal interpretation of the word than the new owner.
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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