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Re: Technology Critic Takes On Computers in Schools

I grasp Stoll's point, but disagree.  It is one thing to be a tourist on a 
computer, and another to make it work for you.  A professional at anything 
should be proficient in, for instance, formulae in spreadsheets.  This does 
not happen in a day.  Everybody should be able to build and use a simple 
database.  You should be able to manage your budget effectively on a 
computer.  Logical skills, not just a few rote-learned items.

Get out in the workplace, and you will find that most people know barely 
enough to make it through the day, and less than enough to innovate.  The 
smallest variation from routine will stop them.  According to my 
calculations, 13.2 scrillion dollars are wasted every day in this way.

Computers are power.  People can't know too much about power, logic, reason.

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