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Re: Noble response

> Lisa Potter says:

> "I tend to agree with Noble in his criticism of the idea of online
> education. The Internet
>            and all that is enabled because of it should be used as an
> accessory to the educational
>            process, not as a replacement. "

I don't think that the Internet is being used as a replacement for the
educational process.  The people who are going to college online are
doing it because they cannot physically go to school due to such reasons
as costs, distance, and work conflicts.  The people taking courses over
the Internet have no other choice but the Internet to gain an
education.  This does not constitute digital diplomas as replacements
for the real thing, just alternative choices.  Not even alternative
choices, if you think about it.  These people aren't even choosing
whether to go to a real college or an online one--they're choosing
whether or not to go to college at all, and because they cannot go to a
physical school, they are forced to learn either online or not at all.

I do not see Internet education as a threat to physical college at all.
It isn't now and it never will be.